Available on this web site are:
- QP/M, a time/date stamping and speedy CP/M 2.2 replacement that fits in the same memory space
- Versatile and powerful BIOS ROMs for BigBoard, Xerox 820-I, upgraded Xerox 820-I and II, Kaypro 4, and Kaypro 10 computers
- Winchester Connection, a BIOS add-on for supporting hard drives on QP/M or CP/M systems
- LinkZ, a faster yet more compact and powerful replacement linker for L80
- DebugZ, the most powerful Z-80 visual debugger available
- Miscellaneous utility programs that work on any CP/M 2.x, QP/M or compatible operating system
- You are free to use anything here for your personal use ONLY
- Nothing here can be used or sold by any commercial vendor without prior arrangement and agreement with MICROCode Consulting
- There is no warranty whatsoever for any item provided here
As a convenience or if you no longer have your Z-80 system, have a little fun
by trying these programs on your Windows-based PC using the best
Z-80 emulator out there.
And, as with any development extension, there were disagreements on how
to handle the Z-80 extensions.